How to Keep Birds Off a Trampoline (and Clean Bird Poop)

How to Keep Birds Off a Trampoline (and Clean Bird Poop)

Chirps and tweets sure are among the most pleasant natural melodies. Although birds are gracious creatures, the mess they leave behind is definitely not.

Bird droppings on cars, decks, patios or trampolines can be quite annoying. Cleaning them takes time and effort you might use for something else.

Unfortunately, we can’t just make birds simply disappear. Instead, we can try to keep them off our trampoline. Luckily, there are quite a few ways of doing this. Read on, as we discuss ways to keep the pesky avians away from our trampoline.

How to Stop Birds Landing on a Trampoline Net

How to Stop Birds Landing on a Trampoline Net

If there is one thing many common birds fear, it’s owls and snakes. Luckily, we can buy a fake owl or a plastic snake and leave it near our trampoline. However, once in a while, we have to move the snake around. This is because birds quickly learn whether something is a threat or not. If we move our plastic snake around, the birds are more likely to take it as a threat.

Another thing we can do is mount cable ties on our trampoline. However, we have to make sure that the ends are sticking up. This will either prevent the birds from perching or just make it difficult for them.

If we opt for a “larger threat”, we can go the old-fashioned way and put up a scarecrow. Although scarecrows have been around for a long time now, they are still effective. As is the case with the fake snakes, make sure to move the scarecrow around once in a while.

Best Product To Keep Birds Away From Your Trampoline

  • Head Owl Realistic head bobs and turns in gentle breezes
  • Helps repel birds and pests
  • Hand painted for maximum realism and effectiveness
  • Usage ideas: vegetable gardens, flower gardens, decks, boat docks, rafters, barns, open porches, patios

Read more and check latest price here >>

They say that getting rid of unwanted critters is easily achieved by using their natural enemies. In that case, cat-people can rejoice. It’s a fact that cats like chasing after birds, and they will keep them away from the trampoline. It’s basically a win-win situation for both the cat and the owner. The cat gets to have fun hunting, and the owner gets a poop-free trampoline.

How To Stop Birds Pooping On Your Trampoline

Going further with ways to protect our trampoline, we came up with a few other methods.

Shiny, reflective surfaces scare the birds off. So there are a few things we can try. For example, if we have any unwanted CDs lying around, we can hang them on or above our trampoline. However, the look might not be too pleasant.

This is where tinsels come in. Apart from decorating Christmas trees, they can also decorate our trampoline and keep the birds away. We can experiment with different colors and see which one works best. Last but not least, we can opt for tin foil. What’s good is that we can easily find all three items in our home.

If the “shiny method” does not help, there is a neat little trick we discovered. And don’t worry, it’s completely harmless.

Basically, we can use fishing line. Yes, this is the only thing we’ll need. We know that birds usually make a mess by perching or landing on the trampoline frame. So, we will stop them from doing that by running the fishing line about two inches above the frame. Think of the fishing line as tightwire.

Unfortunately for the birds, they won’t be able to balance on it. As a result, they’ll have no place to perch on the trampoline.

Trampoline Cover to Stop Bird Poop

When we are not using the trampoline, we can always cover it. There is a variety of trampoline covers we can buy. Although we would mostly use them to protect our trampoline from rain and other elements, they can also offer protection against bird droppings.

In case we don’t want to spend too much money, a simple sheet of plastic will do the trick.

Bird Deterrent for Trampoline

We looked up some deterrents we can buy and found many creative solutions. Among these, we found balloons with scary eyes, bird scare tape, and decoy herons. But what about sound deterrents?

Turns out there are quite a few of those as well. Basically, they emit predator calls and other sounds to safely deter various kinds of birds. These devices are specifically designed to keep birds away from open spaces. So, we might resort to using these if we are really bothered by birds. Mind you, they are expensive, but can surely be of help.

How to Keep Pigeons off Trampoline

How to Keep Pigeons off Trampoline

Anyone who had a negative experience with pigeons will tell you they leave more unwanted gifts than any other bird. Some even say they are a bit tougher than other birds and not as easily scared.

Our next alternative is only safe to use if we have a trampoline cage. This is because our next candidate is anti-roosting bird spikes. We can get them at garden centers or hardware stores. They are easily attached, but once again, we don’t recommend using these on a normal trampoline.

A less sharp alternative are slinky toys. We can find these at toy and department stores. Similar to fishing line, slinky toys will make it hard for pigeons to perch on our trampoline.

Another good idea is to avoid feeding the pigeons and eliminating potential food sources. Feeding the pigeons will only encourage them to stay or come in larger numbers.

How to Clean Bird Poop off Trampoline

Finally, if birds somehow find a way around our deterrents, we can follow these steps to clean bird droppings found on our trampoline.

  • 1. Soften the droppings by using a hose or a pressure washer.
  • 2. Mix some water and detergent in a bucket and use a sponge to scrub the trampoline.
  • 3. Wash away the soapy water with a hose or pressure washer.
  • 4. Finally, use towels to wipe the leftover water.

If the weather is hot and sunny, our trampoline will dry in no time. We just have to make sure not to jump on it until it’s dry.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, birds can be a quite a nuisance. There are many methods to try and keep them away from your trampoline. We hope that the methods we covered will keep your trampoline bird-free, and most importantly, poop-free.

However, we advise you against trying inhumane methods such as air guns. The aim is not to hurt the birds while trying to keep them away.

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